This post is part of a social shopper marketing insight campaign with Pollinate Media Group™ and Jimmy Dean, but all my opinions are my own.
A new baby is a huge game changer. Not only does everything in your life change your priorities change in ways you never imagined! For me one of the hardest things I struggled with is getting out of the door, on time! I don’t seem to struggle as much when Matt is home but unfortunately he leaves for work a good 2 hours before I do every day. But I will be honest I was never good at getting out the door on time before Josslyn was born so you can only imagine how bad it got after she was born. After consulting some great friends I was able to come up with a list of 5 tips for getting out the door on time every morning!
1. Pack the Diaper Bag the Night Before –
Josslyn goes to daycare three times a week. On nights before she goes I make sure she has everything she will need for the day. Including clean bottles, formula, blanket, change of clothes (for those not so plesant moments), diapers, wipes, and emergency pacifier. I cannot express to you how much easier it is to have everything packed and sitting on the counter ready to go!
2. Lay Out Tomorrow’s Clothes for YOU and BABY
I’ve never been one to pre-plan anything I wear I usually just go through the closet try on a few things and eventually find what I want to wear. Doing that while you have a baby crying wanting to be held is not an option. After the baby goes down for the evening I head to my closet pick my clothes and lay them out in the bathroom. It saves time and no more running back and forth for this and that. I have also started picking out the babies outfit for the next day, all the way down to the accessories! I place her outfit next to the changing table. She goes from night night jammies to day time glam in no time flat!
3. Shower the Night Before
I know not everyone can do this but if you can I promise you will not be sorry! I still wash my face and do my hair in the morning, but showering the night before has been a life saver. Regardless of if I leave her happily playing and talking to her toys or sound a sleep, without fail as soon as the shower door closes she will cry. Apparently she does not understand the concept of “Me Time”, hehe (kidding of course). So if you can shower the night before!
4. Give Yourself a 10 Minute Cushion
If you need to leave the house by 7:15 to drop off your little one and make it to work by 8 am plan on getting out the door at 7:05 am. Giving yourself a cushion of time will allow you to relax and breathe in the mornings. We all know a baby can go from happiest baby in the world to distraught in 2.5 seconds. The last thing you want to be doing is rushing around and not be able to comfort your little one, or God forbid a blowout … we all know they happen. So give yourself 10 minutes. How you ask? Use the time you save showering the night before as your cushion!
5. Don’t Complicate things – Make Breakfast EASY!
The easiest thing for me to skip in the morning if I am rushing around is breakfast. We all know breakfast is the most important meal of the day and by 10 am if I don’t eat breakfast my stomach makes me pay. I’ve been known to grab a cheese stick and an apple, while they are tasty options they never hold me over. My solution – Jimmy Dean Pancakes & Sausage on a stick. A friend introduced me to these and let me tell you what, I am a huge fan by far my favorite on-the-go meal! (I picked mine up at Walmart) I can pop one in the microwave and in the amount of time it takes me to strap the baby into her carseat, breakfast is ready. I get everything loaded in the car and grab my Jimmy Dean pancakes & sausage on a stick, an apple, and hit the door.
I’d love to hear from you! So let me know what tips you have for getting out the door on time in the mornings!
Those are GREAT tips, Jacque and we love those pancake/sausage on a stick. And seriously, Joss is the cutest little future-DIYer ever 🙂
Thank you Keri! I promise as soon as we can she is going to do her first DIY project. It might have to be a craft one but it WILL happen!
Great tips… taking notes now for next month! eeep!
One month?? WOW how the time flies (for me anyway hehe). Hard to believe it has been 9 months since I sat across from you at dinner wondering why in the world you were not having a mixed drink! I’m so excited for you!
Great tips for new moms. I totally remember those days. It’s hard, but doable 🙂
Those are great tips for all moms! I totally try to have breakfast made the night before and give myself a 10 minute cushion. It’s really, really helped!
And I just don’t shower any more. That’s helped a ton. Haha.. just kidding. I can’t stand being stinky!
Bathing at night is the only way I ever get time to myself to get ready! And breakfast goes a long way in not feeling wiped out.
love all the baby pix!! and girl, its no joke getting out the door with a baby. i don’t know how moms are ever on time! 🙂