Sweet sweet Kristel over at The Velvet Door recently commented on my Craft Room post. She has the cutest house and the greatest ideas on her blog! In her comment she mentioned she was passing down the Liebster Blog Award to me. After my immediate reaction of OH WOW! my second thought was What is […]
Craft Room; {A Year in the Making!}
After almost a year it is finally done, my craft room is complete and open for business! This is what the room looked like before … Don’t you love the moving boxes and bare walls? Just blah enough to get my creative juices flowing! I decided I wanted to paint the walls a warm Pumpkin […]
Oh The Places You Will GO! Longitude and Latitude Signs
For Christmas this past year I decided I wanted to make signs for my dear friend Stephanie based on some things I had seen her Pin on Pinterest . One of which were these adorable Longitude and Latitude signs. I commissioned the help of my favorite vinyl guy (Matt) and asked him if he could help […]
Vintage Chair Re-Do; {It’s New Again!}
I love a good Craig’s List find, while picking up a dresser the owner asked if we were interested in any other furniture. Long story short after two trips we ended up buying 2 chairs, 2 stools, and the dresser. One of the chairs was this lovely green and plaid number screaming to be made […]
Just Hangin’ Around; {Up-cycled Chandelier }
Matt and I decided a cost effective way to replace two very blah chandeliers in our house was to buy used ones and Up-Cycle them. To me up-cycling is when you take something that is already in good condition, usually dated, and make it current again. When you give something that last lil umph to […]
Laundry Sign Tutorial; {Nailed It!}
Well it was bound to happen. My first documented Craft Fail … in fact I failed at this particular project so many times I had to try three different techniques to get it right! But I did eventually get it right so that is all that matters! I had a vision in mind of a cute little printed […]
Rainbow Cake … Layered Birthday Fun!
Let them eat cake Rainbow Layer Cake! For all of those who love and use Pinterest I can promise you have seen at least ONE Ombre or Rainbow cake on there. They are so beautiful, who wouldn’t love to get one of those? So this year for my sisters 41st 28th birthday I decided I would make her […]
Laundry Room
I am so excited to share our Laundry Room Reveal with everyone! This house no longer has Laundry Room Envy. If you remember back a few weeks ago I posted a picture of what the room looked like then and all the crap stuff that needed to find a home. If you can’t tell from the pictures […]